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We build systems that deliver results

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Who do we work for?

Companies that are growing fast and need to build systems to continue growing.
Companies that have a stable business model but feel stuck and are looking for a new wind in their sails.
Companies that fall and do not know how to stop the fall.
We have already built corporate and marketing strategies for more than 20 Slovak companies, which we helped to set up processes with systematic and painstaking work and thus lead them to better economic results.
  • Jarmila Hlivjaková
    „We are color experts - that's our playground, where we've had a lot of success over 30 years. The online space is not the same playground - it's a completely different sport! We approached PROGNESSA to help us score points and gain new fans in the virtual world as well. We are still at the beginning, but thanks to the professionalism and experience of people who basically "grew up" in the online space, our sales are already showing progress... or even progness. It's actually the same thing. :)”
  • Miroslav Léke
    Bezpečnostné dvere Sofia
    „PROGNESSA was the right choice for us from the beginning. Their quality is growing, and even in this difficult time, they know exactly how to find solutions to address the market so that the consumer buys the offered product. And that's what we're all about. Cooperation with PROGNESSA is simply doomed to success.”
  • Ján Trnovský
    Hýrošova špajza
    „Our shop has been on the market for less than a year. Our goal was to attract more customers to the store and increase the value of purchases. PROGNESSA showed us how. We erased the initial mistrust that we are, after all, only local food in a small town and that such a large agency will not be able to think "locally" at the very first meeting, where we found out that we met real experts who know how to create a truly tailored strategy for us.”
  • Karol Kováč
    Inštitút stresu
    „We have tried several agencies in the past with similar results. There was a lack of a "goal move". We started cooperation with PROGNESSA at the beginning of 2022. They were different from the beginning. We felt that they cared about our project. This was manifested in creativity, creation, but also implementation. Many thanks to the whole team.”
  • Marián Štúrik
    „Transforming my business into digital has brought me a lot. Only through digital marketing have I reached clients that I would never have reached otherwise. Respectively, even if yes, it would be at the price of a very difficult and expensive search. In my opinion, however, one should not neglect the attractiveness of the product, its quality, or its availability for the customer. Otherwise, you may lose your money invested in digital.”

We stand behind solutions,
which are worth it

BA (Hons) Daniel Csúr, MSc.
Today, he leads the marketing and consulting company PROGNESSA, the largest media group in the south of Slovakia with over 1,500,000 views per month, TV Rimava and the investment group ConceptFund, which invests in startups and companies.

Together with the PROGNESSA team, he has already helped more than 20 companies in the field of business models, marketing and setting up individual company processes.
MSc. Daiana Csúr
Strategy & process management
After working in the marketing department of Coca-Cola and studies in Central Asia and Budapest, Daiana developed business for the Slovak company in the markets of Denmark, the Netherlands and Estonia.

Today, he works on corporate strategies and data analysis of marketing tools. She likes structure and a system of concepts.

A smart team
works with us

We are not alone behind complex solutions. At meetings and brainstorming sessions, we sit together next to people who are ready to help you every day.
Ema Rudinská
Business development manager
She has been engaged in innovative marketing for 5 years and gained her experience in Pelikán and TATRA banka. She is currently a consultant for companies such as HRomada, Maza, Orim Group and many others.
Bc. Dominik Prílepok
Sales manager
He used to manage processes and marketing at Kúpeľe Číž. He currently manages sales at the media company At the same time, he is a business consultant for PROGNESSA, which helps our partners in better orientation in strategic and marketing solutions.
Vladis Juraš
Art director
Responsible for the quality of PROGNESSA Digital outputs. It gives expertise in the best solutions in the field of visual communication of brands. It takes care of complex visual systems for clients such as the National Highway Company or the Orim Group.
Zuzka Varechová
Account manager, PPC specialist
She is a long-term specialist in Google Ads and complex Meta campaigns. He takes care of most of PROGNESSA's clients, analyzes running campaigns and makes recommendations based on data.

How do we help?

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8:30 - 17:00
Bélu Bartóka 20/A
979 01 Rimavská Sobota
+421 902 126 561
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